January 17, 2007

A few pictures from the desert

So I have had a brutual few weeks - putting out many fires at work and having lots of Babymamadrama (about which I am debating whether to blog.) Meanwhile my home machine is not internet worthy right now so I have to do all my extraciricular cyber activities from work. Boohoo. No porn shots today, kiddies.

Anyway, a friend who lives in the desert about an hour, give or take, from the EncinoPad invited MyKid and I out for a visit. It was great. She has the cutest house with nice views of the desert and the mountains from every window. The inside is mostly tongue and grove pine and feels so warm and cozy. It is a far cry from the EncinoPad where one sees my gangsta neighbors '69 beater Chevy Nova from every window.
She took us on a nature walk in the desert and then here for sweet treats. It reminded me of Trader Joe's back in the day. MyKid was . . . well, like a kid in a candy store.

MyKid also had a lot of fun with her girlies who are probably the cutest kids I know that are not related to me (in case one of my sisters or psuedosistersinlaw ever reads this.) So I posted a few pictures and I am assuming I have her permission since she kinda promised I would over at her blog. Hope you enjoy.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

they are all just adorable. sounds like a great day.