December 02, 2006

The Kids In Girl and Boy Land Will Have a Jubilee!

So Christmas time is coming and I am as always conflicted but I will save that for a later post. Today's topic is toys. I am one of those earthy crunchy types who would prefer only wooden hand crafted toys. Or at least low tech toys. I avoid things that need batteries sold separately and that play a snippet of the same song over and over. We go easy on the things with lots of little parts. Guns, swords and WMD? Verbotten.

For his main Holiday oh okay Christmas present MyKid is getting a this. The antithesis of my toy philosophy. It needs batteries. It has lots of little parts to lose or step on in the middle of the night. It makes annoying noises.

I am going to hate it.

MyKid's IdenticalTwinCousinsNedandMike (ITCNM) have one. Whenever we playdate over there, he beelines for the darn thing and won't think of playing anything else. I have sold my highfalautin' toy ethics for the Kodak moment of a lifetime. I can hardly wait for Christmas morning.

He is going to go apeshit.

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